Business Sales
From Standout Property Manager Wiki Help
Selling a business
Standout has the ability for you to sell a business, rather than placing a business within a property and selling a business that way. This is also very similar to setting up a property so this document will not be as in-depth on each field -
Business List
Businesses will be listed in this section. To add a business either click “Add Business” in the Dashboard section or by the link “+ Add a business”.
Add a business
Primary Details
Business ref either enter a reference if your agency has its own standard, otherwise click “Generate ref” for the system to generate a reference
Branch choose the branch which will be responsible for this business
Date available when will the business be available for sale
Status status of the business – always starts at Pre Valuation
Feature business if you wish to promote this as a Feature business to stand out on your website
Address Location of the business for sale
Contract For Sale / To Let / Auction
Class Residential / Commercial / Business
Confidential Yes / No – this is for future use within ISSL built property websites and will require a visit to register and log in on the website to see the business
Tenure Freehold / Common hold / Leasehold / Share of Freehold / Flying
Freehold / Share transfer
Business type Comprehensive list of businesses (Bakery / Bar / Bistros etc)
Business name the name of the business
Business hours a free format text box to enter the working hours
Currency option to use alternative currencies
Currency Standout can work in various currencies, the ones currently configured are GBP / USD / EUR.
Flash whether you place a flash image over the properties main photo reading New to market / Managers Choice / Reduced.
Sale Price Whilst you can enter a price that you’ve agreed with your client, This should really be entered in the first place by confirming a Pre-Valuation Appointment and then entering the recommend price at that point.
Price qualifier A message before the price – Asking Price / POA / Guide Price / Fixed Price / Offers in Excess of / OIRO / Sale by Tender / From (New Homes and Commercial Only) / Shared Ownership / Offers Over / Part Buy
Part Rent / Shared Equity / Equity Loan / Offers Invited
Post Price Message a message after the price
Fees can be set as either a Fixed fee or a Percentage, also with a Minimum fee override. Additionally, you can set the Contractual arrangement as Sole Agency / Joint Sole Agency / Multiple Agency. When choosing Joint or Multiple, you can enter the Other Agency(s) name and the Contractual details.
Internal use
This area is for staff to enter private notes. As stated in the screen shot, will be visible to all staff but will on appear on your website.
Secondary details
Agency specific features
Either start typing a feature of use the dropdown list to enter specific features about this property. For example Adapted Bathroom / Busy Trading Location / Cul-de-sac / Double Glazed.
Additional features
Floors Unknown / 0 – 99
Usual entrance floor Unknown / Basement / Ground Floor / 1st floor / 2nd Floor / Higher than 2nd Floor (without lift) / Higher than 2nd Floor (with lift)
Parking free form text
Heating free form text
Accessibility free form text
Outside space free form text
All other questions are simple Yes/No options
Sale features
Sale by Not Specified / Private Treaty / By Auction / Confidential / By Tender Offers Invited
Condition Unknown / Good / Some work needed / Work required throughout / Major renovation required / Pristine
All other questions are simple Yes/No options
Running costs
Rates how much is the rates (we recommend the annual fee)
Council tax band A – H
Average costs for Gas / Electricity / Water rates.
Inside Area
Outside Area
The above allows for entry and conversion of the area of the property both inside and outside.
This section allows the entry of Primary descriptions, Bullet points, Floors & rooms and Additional Descriptions.
Brief Description
Up to 1000 characters can be entered which will flow though to your own website and portals.
Full Description
Entry of a full description that can be formatted similar to Word. Please note – if the text is irregular, use the ‘Remove format’ option.
Bullet points
Up to 20 bullet points can be added to the property.
Floors & rooms
Room name a required field and the general name of a room
Room dimensions entering 10ft x 10ft or 10’5” x 20’6” will convert to the metric By clicking the Convert button. Similarly, the convert will work with 10m x 20m 10.5m x 22.6m
Room description a full and concise description of the room to a max of 1000 characters
Photos up to 4 photos can be uploaded to a floor/room
Exclude from Standout has the ability to create advertising brochures (using Word
Brochure docx as template (see Administration / Brochures) and if required a room/floor can be excluded.
Add Click this button to add the room (rooms/floors appear on right – see
In Administration / Branch / Default rooms you have the option to create defaults. This option is most used to add Agent Notes, Disclaimers to all properties. Default rooms when added to a property will be at the end of any rooms/floors created.
The General media tab allows you to add as many photos as you require for a property, along with a floorplan and a URL to a hosted video (such as YouTube etc). Each photograph can be also be named.
The Brochure media tab allows you to re-arrange the photographs in the order that you’d prefer when producing a brochure. All you do is drop and drag the photograph from left/right/right/left.
An example of the above would be that for websites/portals you want the outside front view but, on your brochure, you’d prefer the photograph of their Kitchen/Diner/rear garden as you feel that would attract more interest with a Window Card or hand out brochure.
Inserting a Video URL
To insert a video, Standout will only allow the insertion of a URL from a video hosting service such as YouTube or Vimeo.
Create an account in your chosen video hosting service and then upload the video of a property. You can then share that video, choose the Link option.
You can then paste the link from the video service into the field above. Saving the property will allow our system to update your property on not only your own website but to all your subscribed portals.
Weekly takings weekly takings for the business
Turnover yearly turnover from the latest accounts
Net profit net profit from latest accounts
Business valuation valuation for the business only
Property valuation valuation for the property (if any)
Business and property valuation valuation of both
Accounts file free form text to include financial information
Number of employees how many people are employed
Relocatable is this business relocatable
Domestic accommodation free form text detailing (if any) living accommodation
Fixtures and fittings fixtures and fittings included in the business
Once an EPC Certificate has been issued for a property, if you have received an electronic version, you can upload that to the system by drop/drag the image onto the system. However, if you don’t have one, you can set the ratings of Current and Potential on the system, then by clicking Generate will associate an EPC chart for this property.
The expiry date can also be entered. Upon saving the property, this will create an all-day event on that date to remind you it’s expired.
Standout has the ability to send your properties to all the portals that you subscribe to. As of writing this document, we have the following portals configured:
ISSL (if you have a website designed by ourselves)
Bamboo auctions
Brief Your Market
Commercial People
Cream Club
Daltons Business
Digital Direct
Move in North
Need a Property
Newsquest Media Group
The Guild Property Professionals
Property Collection
Think Property
Once a property has been sent to the portal(s), you can use this tab to see when it was last updated, whether it was successful or not, plus, you’ll be able to click a link to take you directly to that property page on that portals website.
Viewings / offers
The Viewings / offers screen will allow you to, on the left side of this screen enter any specific issues when viewing a property, if you operate a Key Reference system, enter the Key reference and any Alarm details.
On the right hand side, you will be able to see all the viewings of this property and any offers from potential buyers/tenants (the above is an example of a tenant).
Throughout the system, Standout offers the ability to create notes, against Contacts and Properties. On the left side the system will show all the notes in a list. For each note, there is an option to Show it or Hide it and the ability to edit it. You are able to upload one file for each note.
Additionally, if you have a website built by ISSL, you can make the note available for Vendors to see on your website.
To use this option, you will need either a Dropbox or Google Drive account. Should you obtain external documentation from 3rd parties, a tenant, vendor, landlord, contractor, solicitor you have the ability to upload files to a specific Contact or Property. Additionally, you can create sub folders to hold specific documentation/files instead of just having a huge list of files, as you would organise your desktop files.
Standout can be used to track the progress of a properties status. This part of the system has defaults but you can amend this in Administration/Progress progression.
Once you hit a marker (Solicitor instructed) the date can be set against a property, this will then allow you to view this property within the dashboard on left side in Progress.
By using this system, you’ll be able to have a quick view on where the status of a property is at, plus give you a visual reminder of task that may need completing.
Within this option, you can also complete the chain, linking a buyers property if listed on a portal, the seller if they’re buying a property on a portal.
Matches will show you all those contacts within Standout that either match the criteria you have placed against them but have yet to receive an email (Live matches). If you have a busy branch and suspect other members of staff have entered a contact that would match this property, Reload live matches will scan your contacts and list accordingly.
Previously matched will show all those contacts that have previously received an email regarding this property. There is also a reset button, this is used when for example, your property has been reduced in price and you wish to re-email all those contacts, this will enable you to this.
Interested parties
Interested parties are for those contacts that have an interest in a property at either Sale Agreed / SSTC but then the sale falls though, you will then be able to contact them regarding the property.
History is a log of all the changes and important milestones so you can view what has happened with a property. Particularly useful to see when issues occur such as a Let property is suddenly Available, allowing you to investigate further.
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