
Landmark Anti Money Laundering Checking

From Standout Property Manager Wiki Help

Revision as of 14:22, 25 March 2021 by Paul.Spann (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Landmark Overview == Landmark AML allows the automated antimony laundering checking of contacts entered in Standout. There are two exceptions – solicitors and contracto...")
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Landmark Overview

Landmark AML allows the automated antimony laundering checking of contacts entered in Standout. There are two exceptions – solicitors and contractors are exempt from AML checking.

Standout will examine the contact information provided and will try to create either one or two contacts for AML checking, depending on the title of a contact.

Where a contact title doesn’t contact the “&”, Standout presumes the contact is a single person. When the title does include an “&”, two contacts are presumed.

Standout will try to populate the following fields for you to amend or populate, again depending on the information you have regarding your contact(s).

Fields used are:

Title                             this field is required, such as Mr, Mrs etc

First Name                  their first name

Last Name                   their last name

House Number           if their property has a number (limited to 6 characters)

House Name               if their property has a house name

Road                            the road

County                        the county

Date of Birth               their date of birth (if entered in the Contact details, this is the

assumed value for the first contact).

Years/Months             you MUST enter (in contact details) how long they have resided at the


Optional fields

NI Number                  their National Insurance number (if entered in the Contact

                                   details, this is the assumed value for the first contact).

Driving Licence            their 16 digit driving licence number


We cannot stress to you the importance of ensuring the data provided is accurate and entered correctly. We are not liable for the data used when placing an order(s) if you do not check and ensure data accuracy.

Failure to do so may result in you being charged for additional orders for AML checking.

Landmark Agency Configuration

Landmark should provide you with four configuration keys, these are to be stored in Administration / Branch / Money laundering configuration

You need to input the following:

API or Ocp Apim Subscription Key

Account ID

Client ID

Client Secret

Once entered (or copy/pasted), then save the branch.

You will need to log out and log back into Standout for these settings to allow AML checking.

Contact AML Checking – Single Contact

Choose your contact that requires AML checking and choose the Money Laundering tab at the top of the screen

Note – if you cannot see Place order you have not entered the Years and Months at the property. This is mandatory, please enter it in the Contacts details and then save the details.

When you click Save contact, Standout will save the entries in case you decide not to perform a check at that moment.

Checking fields




Date of birth

House Number

House Name




National Insurance Number (optional – must be 9 characters)

Driving Licence Number (optional – must be the first 16 characters)

Placing an order

Once you are satisfied that the above data has been entered correctly, click the Place order button. By default, if any required fields are invalid, you will see an error message and the order will not be placed.

When the order has been placed, the screen will change to

Refresh your browser and you will obtain updates on the status of this AML check.

Whilst Landmark are processing the order, the standard screen should display

Upon completion, when editing the contact or refreshing the browser, when you have a successful AML check

Generate PDF

Generate PDF will allow you to either store a copy of the PDF in the Files tab of the contact (subject to configuration of either Dropbox or Google Drive). Or allow you to generate and download the PDF to your local computer.

PDF in Files section

The filename for a AML check report will be named:


Contact AML Checking – Multiple Contacts

Choose your contact(s) that requires AML checking and choose the Money Laundering tab at the top of the screen

Note – if you cannot see Place order you have not entered the Years and Months at the property. This is mandatory, please enter it in the Contacts details and then save the details.

When you click Save contact, Standout will save the entries in case you decide not to perform a AML at that moment.

Checking fields

First person




Date of birth

House Number

House Name




National Insurance Number (optional – must be 9 characters)

Driving Licence Number (optional – must be the first 16 characters required)

Second person




Date of birth

National Insurance Number (optional – must be 9 characters)

Driving Licence Number (optional – must be the first 16 characters)

Placing an order

Once you are satisfied that the above data has been entered correctly, click the Place order button. By default, if any required fields are invalid, you will see an error message and the order will not be placed.

When the order has been placed, the screen will change to

Refresh your browser and you will obtain updates on the status of this AML check.

Whilst Landmark are processing the order, the standard screen should display

Upon completion, when editing the contact or refreshing the browser, when you have a successful AML check

Generate PDF

Generate PDF will allow you to either store a copy of the PDF in the Files tab of the contact (subject to configuration of either Dropbox or Google Drive). Or allow you to generate and download the PDF to your local computer.

PDF in Files section

The filename for a AML check report will be named:



Sample PDF Report